Friday, May 17, 2013

DIY: Free Bed Guard Rails

After posting the blog about Emily's big girl bedroom (click here) I got an inquiry about what I was using as a bed rail for her. The day we broke down the crib and then set up her big girl bed, I immediately started to panic because I realized I forgot to buy a guard rail for her bed. I went online to amazon and found small ones for about $25 and ones more the size I was hoping for closer to $50... AND I realized they wouldn't be able to be here for a few days? I panicked and then remembered seeing something on Pinterest about a mom using a pool noodle for a bed rail. I didn't have a pool noodle, but I went out to my garage and looked around. I found a pile of random 2x4s from a project I had done a while back, and thought to myself... hmmm... I think I'll wrap THOSE up and call them a guard rail :) FREE FREE FREE and IMMEDIATE SOULUTION= WIN! 
I found an old bed sheet that i haven't used in forever and rolled them up nice and tight then placed them under her sheet and ta-da! She's never fallen out of the bed. 

Every few days I have to re-situate the 2x4s, but that's it. I am so happy to have thought of this and that those $50 I could have so easily spent are still ours to spend! Yay for being creative! 

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